Beyond clowns, tassled hats, and little motorcycles, WA WA Shriners is a philanthropic organization providing pediatric health care for children without regard to race, colour, creed, sex, sect, disability, national origin or ability of a patient or family to pay.
WA WA Shriners History
WA WA Shriners was granted its dispensation in December 1, 1910, and received its charter on July 12th, 1911. WA WA Shriners ranks as the 123rd Temple founded according to the date of the charter. The first installment and investiture of Officers was conducted by the Potentate and Divan of Al Azhar Shrine of Alberta. WA WA jurisdiction included the entire Province of Saskatchewan, thereby embracing one of the largest territories in Shrinedom. WA WA has chartered seventeen clubs throughout the province. WA WA Shriners is located in Regina with 13 active clubs throughout the province.
5-50 Club
Legion of Honor